With critical illness insurance you can ensure you have the freedom of having your spouse or loved one take care of you, without burdening them financially. Protect yourself so if you become ill and live, you can take the necessary time away from work to recover.
Critical Illness Insurance protects your financial well-being should you be diagnosed with a life threatening disease such as Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke or many other illnesses.
Critical Illness Insurance can help you where you need it most so you can focus all your energy on recovering. If you have been diagnosed with one of the covered illnesses and survive the 30 day waiting period, the benefit will provide you with a lump sum tax free payment for the value of your policy. The money can be spent as you wish; it could be used to help replace lost income, to pay for private nursing, out-of-country treatment, for medical equipment, for a vacation, or even to pay off your mortgage.
If you do not become ill, you will receive all your money back.
Return of Premium
Including the return of premium option on your policy gives you the flexibility to surrender your policy and be refunded for all of the premiums you have paid after a selected time period (less the administration fee). So if you do not become ill you will receive all of your money back.
When you meet with a Tri City Financial Group advisor they will run a complete analysis before they attempt to determine what type or amount of CI insurance needs you have. Knowing the proper type and amount of insurance will allow you to be properly protected against a loss of health.
Take the next step
To determine the type and amount of CI insurance that’s right for you, talk to one of the financial advisor on our team.