Over the past 10 years consumer debt has continued to increase leaving families backed into a corner fighting just to make minimum payments on their revolving credit cards and credit lines. Canadian families have now reached record high levels of debt and record low savings with little to no overall financial growth.
Our team at Tri City Financial Group understands that Debt can be a financial plans worst enemy. We work with our clients providing them with the tools, resources and education to offer not only structured budgeting but also home financing solutions that help to get them the fighting room they need to regain control of their financial lives.
We tailor a solution to fit our client’s individual needs.
We believe it’s important to tailor a solution to fit a client’s individual needs. With access to over 30 major financial lenders across Canada, we are putting the right solutions in place and getting our clients back on track helping them reduce debt and save thousands in interest payments. The money our clients are saving is positively affecting their overall financial situation.
Speak with one of our team and find out how you can reduce your debts increase your cash flow and save yourself unnecessary interest.